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 Kriegerische Auseinandersetzung zw. der Hisb Allah u. Israel
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Roni ( gelöscht )

20.05.2007 21:16
#1306 RE: Sanktionen Israels Antworten

JA zur libanesischen Armee und
NEIN zu palästinensern!

Roni ( gelöscht )

20.05.2007 22:54
#1307 RE: Sanktionen Israels Antworten


Gast ( gelöscht )

21.05.2007 13:17
#1308 RE: Sanktionen Israels Antworten

JA UND????

Pro Christ ( gelöscht )

21.05.2007 14:44
#1309 RE: Sanktionen Israels Antworten

Gepostet von Roni
JA zur libanesischen Armee und
NEIN zu palästinensern!

Ich keine auch einen dummen Spruch, damit kannst du vielleicht angeben:


Du dämlicher Trottel!

Ich wette von deinen OUWET-Wichser ist keiner bei der Armee, der ums Leben gekommen ist, Du Schwachmatt!

NIcht zu vergessen, dass diese Fatah Al-Islam von denn Hariris unterstützt und aus den Gefängnisse rausgeholt wurden....Fehlt nur noch dass man Ihnen Verbindung zur Hisbullah unterstellt!

Roni ( gelöscht )

21.05.2007 14:52
#1310 RE: Sanktionen Israels Antworten

du blödmann: zu deinem unwissen: DIE FATAH AL ISLAM WURDE ERST IM NOVEMBER GERÜNDET. deine lügen kannst du dir ersparen.


UND WAS HEIßT DA "JA UND"...denkst du es ist ok dass die palästinenser in beirut alles in die luft sprengen? denkst du hisballah ist besser als die armee? und die, die umgekommen sind im sommer waren auch nur zivilisten du volltrottel! kein schahid von hisballah du blöder idiot.


ROni ( gelöscht )

21.05.2007 14:53
#1311 RE: Sanktionen Israels Antworten

ach ja übrigens: bei der armee hält man nicht zu einer partei mein lieber, sondern eben zur armee wir sind nicht hisballah oder aoun, nur zu deiner info

Roni ( gelöscht )

21.05.2007 14:53
#1312 RE: Sanktionen Israels Antworten

die armee macht die sei es!

Roni ( gelöscht )

21.05.2007 14:58
#1313 RE: Sanktionen Israels Antworten

und diese terroristen fatah al islam sind terroristen, habe verbindung zu syrien und al kaida, töten unsere politiker und sprengen alles in die luft.
palästinenser waren auch schuld am ausbruch des bürgerkrieges, und der erste der gestorben ist in dem explodierenden bus ist der cousin meines vaters. palästinenser waren immer schon schuld an der destabilisierung (+syrien+hisballah)
dank der hisballa kann die regierung nicht voll und ganz ihre macht ausüben um die sicherheit zu bessern. mr.hassoun arsch ist für ein zerstörtes libanon


nicole ( gelöscht )

21.05.2007 16:38
#1314 RE: Sanktionen Israels Antworten

Ja Roni diese komischen von fatah sind Teroristen da stimm ihc dir zu...die wollen den libanon in dern bürgerkrieg ziehen...aber unsere Armee schafft die schon...dennoch heißt das nicht dass das alle palästenser unterstützen..das sind einfach idioten die dafür bezahlt werden terror zu machen.......

Roni ( gelöscht )

21.05.2007 19:05
#1315 RE: Sanktionen Israels Antworten

da bin ich deiner meinung

Roni ( gelöscht )

21.05.2007 19:28
#1316 RE: Sanktionen Israels Antworten

und wie ja schon alle wissen: Bashar al assad hat dem libanon mit einem ausbruch bürgerkrieg gedroht, den er anstiften wird, wenn das tribunal kommt.

The latest horror to plague Lebanon is the country’s worst internal violence since the end of the 1975-1990 civil war. The president of Syria, Bashar al-Assad openly threatened to send Lebanon back to a civil war just last week, if an International Tribunal is imposed on Lebanon. The highly obvious fear of Assad and his cronies in Lebanon of the outcome of the Rafik al-Hariri murder investigation has left many wondering just how far the Syrian dictator is willing to go.

Roni ( gelöscht )

21.05.2007 19:30
#1317 RE: Sanktionen Israels Antworten

diese fath al islam wird von syrien unterstützt, darin besteht kein zweifel. Nahr al bared befindet sich direkt nahe der grenze zu syrien. von da bekommen die auch waffen.

übrigens: der führer der fatah al islam wurde früher in syrien gefangen genommen, aber gleich wieder frei gelassen.
syrer benutzen ihn als waffe um den libanon ins chaos zu stürzen.

Roni ( gelöscht )

21.05.2007 19:35
#1318 RE: Sanktionen Israels Antworten


There is no doubt that the attack by the Fatah al-Islam terrorist gang was prompted by the craziness of the Syrian regime and its affiliates regarding the approach of the Security Council's endorsement of the international tribunal... Yesterday's crime shows why it is key to seek the UN's protection.


The ongoing battles and shelling in Tripoli are not a million miles from President [Bashar] al-Assad's promises to destroy Lebanon. The Syrian regime repeatedly confirms its animosity towards the Lebanese and the international tribunal, sometimes through its allies, and now through one of the arms of its intelligence service.


Some people think these incidents are designed to create widespread unrest to undermine the Security Council resolution... What happened proves clearly that the aim was to engage the army in battle... then spread the plan across Lebanon.


The authorities took a shortcut by labelling Fatah al-Islam an affiliate of Syrian military intelligence... The solution is political and national... Terrorism should be tackled with national unity. International support has failed to save the country.

A Jordanian paper agrees with the assessment of the Lebanese media


It looks like Fatah al-Islam, which has usurped Palestinian refugee camps in northern Lebanon but is rejected by all Palestinian organizations, has deliberately initiated this confrontation just as the international Security Council is about to endorse the international tribunal draft.

Roni ( gelöscht )

21.05.2007 23:16
#1319 RE: Sanktionen Israels Antworten


syrien macht dem land ärger und stürzt es in einen krieg...und das wegen dem tribunal...

Roni ( gelöscht )

22.05.2007 13:07
#1320 RE: Sanktionen Israels Antworten

Hezbollah sides with the terrorists in Lebanon
Monday, 21 May, 2007 @ 4:41 PM

More soldiers than terrorists have been killed in the battle between the Lebanese army and the Assad-backed terrorists in the north. The army that the Syrian regime turned into an ineffective police force to guard celebrities and usher social events, is facing its greatest challenge since the Hizbullah riots pit Lebanese against each other.

Heavy artillery and machine-gun fire reverberated through Nahr al-Bared on Monday as Lebanese troops tightened their grip around the northern Palestinian refugee camp, where militants of the extremist Fatah al-Islam group are holed up. The death toll climbed to near 50, with the number of civilians killed inside the camp unknown. At least 27 soldiers and 20 militants had been killed, Lebanese security officials said Monday, but they did not know how many civilians had been killed inside the camp because it is off-limits to their authority. One official in the camp said a total of 34 people had been killed inside the camp, including 14 civilians. But that could not be independently confirmed, and other estimates of civilian deaths were lower.
This battle cannot be won by Fatah al-Islam. They are outnumbered by the increasingly popular army, even though they seem to have a lot of weapons. The group, which the head of the Internal Security Forces called "imitation al-Qaeda", consists of former Iraq fighters and international terrorists. That they all got into Lebanon with the help of Syrian intelligence should be a confirmation to all that the Assad regime is a major sponsor of world terror. According to An-Nahar, one of the killed terrorists was involved in the Ain Alaq bombings in February, and another was wanted over the 2006 plot to blow up trains in Germany.

Even if the Lebanese army wins this one, the battle will not be over. The group is not confined to one refugee camp, and the Assad regime has grown other terrorist organizations in other camps in the south and near Beirut. The regime is also escalating its terror attacks. A car bomb exploded in the heart of Beirut last night, killing an old woman and wounding 19 others. Their terrorism will likely be escalated as we approach the establishment of the Hariri tribunal by the UNSC.

There is also the terrorism of Hizbullah and Michel Aoun.

In their "condemnation" statement, the Party of God did not name the terrorists, condemning instead "any attack from whatever source" on the Lebanese army. The statement expressed concern that there is an attempt to "embroil the Lebanese army in a never ending struggle to serve known project". Hizbullah predicted that calls for escalation and fighting will spread chaos and create clashes in Lebanon. The Iranian-funded party then called for a "political solution" to end the current "crisis", laying the blame on the "ruling party".

In other words, Hizbullah is siding against the Lebanese government and army by not even acknowledging Fatah al-Islam, or its sponsor, and blaming it on a US-Israeli conspiracy. It is ironic how they don't want the army to be engaged in a long struggle against terror, while they advocate permanent war against Israel. I shouldn't waste my breath by asking, but where is Hizbullah's "defense strategy" now? I should not forget that their weapons are designed to be magnets for destruction, and their strategy is to assist the Assad regime in destroying the country's state institutions. These multinational terrorists (Yemenis, Bengalis, etc) were allowed to flaunt their weapons because of Hizbullah's opposition to the disarmament of Palestinian factions (so all the terrorists needed to do is hijack one). These terrorists were empowered precisely because of Hizbullah's obstructive role, not to mention their occupation of downtown Beirut which is draining the embattled Lebanese army.

As for Michel Aoun, he thought it was apt to prescribe a solution in the form of government resignation. While he seemingly supported the operation to root out the terrorists, he blamed the events on the government's focus on the "weapons that liberated the land", describing Hizbullah's weapons as a "source of stability", and ignoring that Hizbullah violated an agreement during the National Dialogue to do away with the Palestinians weapons.

The crazed former general and his divine buddies might as well join Fatah al-Islam. The Lebanese army should not count on their support, but it should count on the support of the majority of Lebanese people, who still dream of the rule of law, even if many of them don't know what that requires.

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